- Introduction to the Book of Revelation (0:03)
- Timing of the Tribulation and the Role of the Church (2:51)
- The Importance of Reading the Book of Revelation (4:05)
- Historical and Modern Parallels to the Tribulation (5:49)
- Introduction to Revelation Chapter 1 (9:02)
- Messages to the Seven Churches: Ephesus (17:36)
- Messages to the Seven Churches: Smyrna (20:47)
- Messages to the Seven Churches: Pergamos (22:20)
- Messages to the Seven Churches: Thyatira (26:59)
- Messages to the Seven Churches: Sardis (30:56)
- Messages to the Seven Churches: Philadelphia (33:46)
- Messages to the Seven Churches: Laodicea (36:51)
- Conclusion and Reflection on the Church's Role (39:14)